Next Generation Swallowable Gastric Balloon

Also known as elipse gastric balloon, it is a type of new technology gastric balloon used in the treatment of obesity that can be inserted into the stomach without the need for anesthesia and surgery.

What is the New Generation Swallowable Gastric Balloon?

Thanks to this balloon, weight is lost quickly with diet. The principle of working is the same as the other gastric balloon method. Thanks to the swallowable gastric balloon, less food is eaten and satiety is provided, thus facilitating weight loss.

How to Insert a New Generation Swallowable Gastric Balloon?

The most important difference from the gastric balloon method is that it is applied without the need for endoscopy and anesthesia. After swallowing the balloon, control is provided with the help of x-rays to make sure that it is placed in the stomach. After making sure that it is well placed, the balloon is filled with a special liquid with the help of the catheter and the catheter is slowly withdrawn. The balloon stays in the stomach for 4-6 months, then it is expelled from the body by itself.

Advantages of New Generation Swallowable Gastric Balloon

  • Anesthesia is not used
  • Endoscopy is not performed
  • It does not require extra processing, it is excreted from the body by itself,
  • The complication rate is very low.

Weight loss operations have gained importance under the title of health tourism in our country. Every year, thousands of patients come to our country for weight loss surgery. This rate is increasing day by day thanks to affordable prices, quality service and our competent physicians.


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