Mommy Makeover

Mommy Make Over is also known as “postpartum aesthetics” or “post-pregnancy aesthetics”. These procedures include tummy tuck and liposuction with a focus on the abdomen, typically involving breast reduction, breast lift and breast augmentation, aimed at restoring the pre-pregnancy appearance; may include one or more of the surgeries involving combinations of leg, arm and upper body liposuction operations.

What is Mommy Make Over?

Contrary to popular belief, the "mommy makeover" cannot make patients have their original shape just weeks or months after birth. It would not be safe to perform these surgeries immediately after delivery. It should not be forgotten that both pregnancy and childbirth place a great stress on your body, so it will be dangerous to have surgery in a short time.

Our experienced plastic surgeons wait at least 6 months after birth to perform these surgeries. During this time, your abdominal tissue will be given a chance to fully recover before undergoing a tummy tuck.

What Does Mommy MakeOver Include?

If you need mommy make over, your doctor should plan a treatment specific to you and your needs. Not everyone needs same operation; In some women, the deformity is more limited, and 1-2 operations are sufficient, while others may require more surgical and non-surgical procedures. Please contact us to determine which operations you need.

Mommy Makeover Prices

It is illegal in our country to advertise and advertise plastic surgery prices.
When you contact us, you will be informed of the average breast reduction prices and the corresponding payment terms.
We can of course only inform you of the net prices in a personal meeting.
Private health insurances and state guarantees do not cover any of these aesthetic surgeries in our country.

In our country, aesthetic surgeries under the title of health tourism have gained in importance. Every year thousands of plastic surgery patients come to our country. Thanks to affordable prices, quality service, and skilled plastic surgeons, this rate is increasing day by day. 

Although the average price for aesthetic procedures is fixed, it is essential to check the net prices, as the same procedure and the same operation cannot be performed on every patient. In addition, the hospital where the operation will be performed, room service, the type of anesthesia and most importantly the quality of the materials used are some of the most important factors influencing prices.


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