Gastric Bypass

Gastric Bypass surgery is one of the methods used to treat obesity. In gastric bypass surgery, the structure of the stomach and small intestine is altered. Gastric bypass surgery is both restrictive and absorption-reducing surgery. The most important advantage of gastric Bypass surgery is that Type II diabetes patients do not need to use medicine or insulin for diabetes regulation after surgery.

As the size of the stomach is reduced, the patient’s food intake and the absorption of food eaten is reduced. With gastric bypass surgery, most of the stomach is bypassed.
In addition, excluding part of the intestine can reduce the patient's absorption of total calories, proteins, and other nutrients.

In addition, the absorption of total calories, protein and other nutrients in the patient can be reduced as a result of the absorption of some intestines.

The new stomach, created by surgical techniques and called pouch, is much smaller than the old stomach size. It is intended to create a malabsorption effect with less absorption of the constraints and nutrients obtained by small gastric pulp, and to get rid of thw patient’s excessive weight.

  • Which Techniques are used in Gastric Bypass Surgery?

The healing process of gastric bypass surgery in İzmir, performed using the closed technique, is a short and effortless procedure. Thanks to the closed operation, the patient’s recovery process can be shortened and made effortless.


Open gastric bypass is performed through a large incision in the patient’s abdomen. The biggest advantage of open surgery is that the surgeon performs the operation by seeing the tissue. However, the size of the incision causes post-operative pain and affects the time to return to daily activities.

  • What are the different kinds of Gastric Bypass?

Gastric bypass, Roux-En-Y (proximal)

It is the most common gastric bypass technique used in gastric bypass surgery. It is the most commonly performed bariatric procedure in the United States. It is one of the operations that causes the fewest nutritional problems.

Gastric bypass, Roux-En-Y (DIstal)

The end of the intestine coming from the bile is connected to the intestine that comes about 1 meter further. It can allow for faster weight loss. However, serious problems with nutrition (e.g. severe vitamin deficiency) have been observed after distal gastric bypass.

Loop gastric bypass (mini gastric bypass)

With mini gastric bypass, the intestine is connected directly to the stomach without dividing it. While it is easier to implement, it is not a preferred method.

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