
The tummy tuck is an operation that takes about 2 hours under general anesthesia. The duration of the operation may be slightly longer in patients with excessive abdominal fat and herniation due to muscle tears. After the operation, drains are placed to allow the dirty blood to flow out of the abdomen, and we put on the tummy tuck. Our hospital stay is 1 day. The day after the operation, the patient can go home after the first check-ups.

JFS Clinic Abdominoplasty

Abdominoplasty techniques; Tummy tuck is performed using two different methods, which are decided according to the degree of slack in the skin and the subcutaneous fat. These include the mini tummy tuck; This is used in patients who have no excess skin and tissue above the navel, but only a small excess of skin and fat in the lower abdomen. The classic tummy tuck results in sagging and excess skin in the lower and upper navel area. The relaxed abdominal muscles are folded inwards and tightened with the help of sutures. The belly button is removed from the remaining skin in the abdomen through a newly opened hole and placed in its new location.

After a Abdominoplasty

Paın After Abdomınal Tensıon

It is normal to experience pain for an average of 3 days due to the swelling and stretching of the tissues due to the sutures we use to tighten the abdominal muscles after a tummy tuck. However, this pain gradually subsides after the 3rd day and disappears completely in the 1st week.

Healıng After Abdomınal Tıghtenıng

After the tummy tuck, the bruises and swellings in the abdominal tissue persist for about 15 days. We recommend a cream to remove this swelling and bruising and recommend that you wear your abdominal brace for at least 6 weeks. On the 3rd or 5th day after the operation, we remove the drains that allow the dirty blood to flow out of the abdomen. 


We allow showering after the drain has been removed. After the operation, we recommend that you walk with a slight forward bend in order to avoid the stitches on the abdominal muscles and to cause tension in the muscles for about 15 days for at least 2 months, but also non-difficult exercises and walks will improve the blood circulation and the Improve the recovery process. Scars about 8-10 cm long under the bikini and panty line lose their red color after 6 months and remain in the form of stretch marks.

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